Versatile Panel with Consistent Quality

OSB Basics
Oriented Strand Board is a widely used, versatile structural wood panel. Manufactured from waterproof heat-cured adhesives and rectangularly shaped wood strands that are arranged in cross-oriented layers, OSB is an engineered wood panel that shares many of the strength and performance characteristics of plywood. OSB's combination of wood and adhesives creates a strong, dimensionally stable panel that resists deflection, delamination, and warping; likewise, panels resist racking and shape distortion when subjected to demanding wind and seismic conditions. Relative to their strength, OSB panels are light in weight and easy to handle and install.
OSB is produced in huge, continuous mats to form a solid panel product of consistent quality with no laps, gaps, or voids. Finished panels are available in large dimensions, minimizing the number of joints that can "leak" heat and admit airborne noise.
Common OSB Applications
APA-trademarked OSB is suitable for a variety of end uses including subflooring, single-layer flooring, wall and roof sheathing, sheathing ceiling/deck, structural insulated panels, webs for wood I-joists, industrial containers, mezzanine decks, and furniture.
Panel Performance Categories
5/16, 3/8, 15/32, 1/2, 19/32, 5/8, 23/32, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 1-1/8.
Panel Sizes
4' x 8', 4' x 9', 4' x 10'; manufactured in 8' X 24' or larger panels which can be custom-cut by most manufacturers.
The APA Mark of Quality
APA trademarks appear only on products manufactured by APA member mills. The mark signifies that panel quality is subject to verification through APA audit—a procedure designed to assure manufacture in conformance with APA performance standards or the standard shown in the mark.
OSB Publications
Describes OSB composition, properties, code acceptances, and applications.
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Describes performance standards for structural wood panels and the compositions of different types of APA panels with the Performance Rated designations of APA Rated Sheathing, APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor, and APA Rated Siding. It also describes where Performance Rated panels are used and provides updated trademark and performance category information.
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Resource Library
Access a complete list of APA publications about OSB in APA's Resource Library.