APA Update

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Converting to Advanced Framing: Learn from Experience
November 13—1 p.m. EDT, 10 a.m. PDT

Converting to Advanced Framing: Learn from ExperienceAs energy codes become stricter, builders and designers are seeking options for energy-efficient construction that maintain strength, durability, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. One effective solution is advanced framing, a system of construction framing techniques that optimizes material use and increases energy efficiency. Join APA's Warren Hamrick as he discusses common advanced framing techniques, the benefits of the system and typical challenges that builders encounter during the conversion from traditional framing to advanced framing. This course is approved by AIA (1 HSW/LU) and ICC (0.10 CEU).


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Meeting the Energy Code Using the Performance Path

Meeting the Energy Code Using the Performance PathUsing the performance path to meet energy codes offers many benefits to builders, designers and code officials. APA Engineered Wood Specialist Matt Brown presents Meeting the Energy Code Using the Performance Path, a one-hour presentation that focuses on the advantages to performance-based energy code compliance, pathways to comply with energy codes and the impacts of different materials and systems on energy efficiency. The presentation identifies cost-effective ways to meet the energy code. This course is approved by AIA (1 HSW/LU), ICC (0.10 CEU) and RESNET (1 PDH).


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Building for High Wind Resistance

Lab ExpansionWith the 2018 storm season well underway, the importance of constructing wind-resistant buildings is clear. Wood's strength combined with its ability to absorb stresses or impacts without weakening or degrading make wood a superior building material, especially in areas susceptible to severe weather conditions or seismic activity. Minor, inexpensive modifications to common construction practices can result in an above-code building that is several times more resistant to wind forces. See our recommendations for wind-resistant construction, storm damage assessments, and other resources for resilient building.


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