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Setting the Industry's Highest Performance Standards
APA is a leader in the area of glued engineered wood products and construction systems testing and research. The Association’s 42,000-square-foot research center is a state-of-the-art laboratory staffed by experienced engineers, wood scientists and engineering technicians, and equipped with modern research and testing equipment. Research is always linked to carefully evaluated market needs and opportunities and serves as the engineering foundation of the Association’s market support and development programs.
APA Laboratory Testing Capabilities
APA – The Engineered Wood Association recently expanded the research capabilities at its laboratory in Tacoma, Washington. Significant upgrades to APA's research and testing facilities will support innovative design and construction of timber structures using wood structural panels, engineered wood products and mass timber assemblies. Built in 1969, the 42,000-square-foot lab has long been recognized as one of the leading wood research facilities in North America. While the lab had been well maintained and updated over years, the $4.5 million expansion raised a portion of the roof to 40 feet high and added a 4-foot-thick reinforced strong floor, 10 strong wall blocks with anchors, twin 5-ton cranes and new equipment to accommodate full-scale structural assembly testing. Download the fact sheet: GET ►