APA Safety & Health Program

OSB Mill Excellence in safety, it has been said, is not a destination, but an ongoing journey requiring vigilance, focus and demonstrated commitment throughout the company. This safety and health section of the APA website was established to encourage, inform and assist all APA members, and indeed the entire engineered wood products industry, on our collective journey to safety and health in the mill.

As individual companies and together as an industry we have no more important asset than our employees. We urge you to participate in this vital ongoing mill safety improvement effort—by joining our committee and bringing your insights and input to the table, by contributing and sharing safety alerts for the benefit of all, by entering the annual APA Mill Safety and Health Awards Competition, and, most importantly, by elevating safety to the highest priority in your company.

We welcome your suggestions on how this site can best serve our mutual goal of advancing mill safety.

—APA Safety and Health Advisory Committee

Safety & Health Committee

Steve McKenney, Chair

Roseburg Forest Products Company

Cole Bryant, Vice Chair


Terry Evans

Boise Cascade Company

Chris Fowler

Canoe Forest Products Ltd.

Sam Newbill

Hood Industries, Inc.

Dave McGowin


Derek Bauchman

Mercer Mass Timber

Brent Way

Murphy Company

Stanza Donald

PotlatchDeltic Corporation

John Myers (Alternate)

Roseburg Forest Products Company

Terry Secrest


Natalie Monroe (Alternate)


Kaitlyn Stacey

Tolko Industries Ltd.

Fred Chinn (Alternate)

Tolko Industries Ltd.

Johnny Sauls

West Frasier Timber Co. Ltd.

Shauna Dunn, CSP


APA Staff Advisor

Charles Hartke