November 2019
Product Advisory: Performance of Flexible Structural Sheathing
This updated version of the Product Advisory adds three new products to the previous round of tested materials. Shear wall tests on eight flexible structural sheathing products by three independent laboratories show that, without exception, the flexible sheathing products’ published lateral load design properties are significantly overstated. Clemson, the University of Oklahoma and APA’s Research Center evaluated the flexible sheathing products according to shear wall test standards ASTM E564 and ASTM E2126 and found that lateral load resistance are overstated as much as 42% when compared to published design values. “Designers, code officials and the people who live or work in buildings expect the structural products used in them to comply with published design values,” said Dr. BJ Yeh, P.E., APA Director of Technical Services. “These test results raise questions about the safety and reliability for buildings constructed with these products.” GET >
Webinar: Shear Exhilaration
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
10:00–11:00 am PST
APA's Bob Kuserk, PE, will provide a top-to-bottom overview of lateral design for wood-framed structures with a focus on shear walls. As a result of this training, participants will understand load path continuity and shear wall performance, including design methodologies for shear walls. Examples from post-disaster evaluations will illustrate common failure modes, and methods and outcomes of various designs of wood structural panel shear walls will be compared. Participants will also be introduced to installation considerations that may affect performance and how to address these issues proactively. The force transfer around openings method will be covered as well. AIA and ICC credits are available. REGISTER >
Webinar: Wood as a Sustainable Building Material
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
10:00–11:00 am PST
Presented by Kathryn (Katie) Fernholz of Dovetail Partners, this webinar for architects, engineers and other building design professions will outline what makes wood a green building material and clear up misconceptions on the environmental impacts of harvesting wood. A forester by training, Katie has worked in a wide range of roles and is a dynamic and compelling expert on sustainability and the environment. Her passion for the complexity and beauty of natural ecosystems blends with a pragmatic recognition of the challenges and choices designers face. REGISTER >