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From The Chairman

Jim BaskervilleIn 2016 APA continued to implement the initiatives and programs defined by our four strategic goals. The activities described in this report all work toward the common purpose of maintaining the value that APA delivers to its members and building on the credibility of the APA brand.

In the coming months, your Board of Trustees will be working closely with the APA staff to review and update the Association’s three-year strategic plan. As we address APA’s mission and strategic direction, it’s helpful to consider four important roles that APA serves for our industry:

  1. APA maintains a high standard for quality. Consistent quality and adherence to the product standards is critical in a highlight competitive market.
  2. APA provides a mechanism for unifying and strengthening our industry voice through programs such as the Coalition for Fair Energy Codes and partnerships with the American Wood Council and Canadian Wood Council.
  3. APA brings focus to the programs and services that are most important to our industry, investing our time and resources in the activities that deliver the most value to the membership.
  4. APA can play a coordinating role in helping member manufacturers confront the challenges of building new leadership and addressing a skilled labor gap in our industry. In 2016, we launched a program with the National Association of Manufacturers, working with the Composite Panel Association and Hardwood Plywood Veneer Association to assess needs in the manufacturing sector and define activities that will address critical gaps in our labor force.

In all of these roles, it’s important to note that the structure of APA, with member-driven committees and an engaged Board of Trustees, encourages us to be forward-thinking and proactive, rather than defensive and reactive. With quality assurance, technical research and testing, and market support and development, processes are in place to ensure that we’re investing time and resources in the areas where we can make the most difference and get the most bang for the buck.

As we start to build a strategic plan for the next three years, we must optimize how we, as APA members, suppliers, and partners, work with the Association staff to meet today’s challenges in our industry. The strength of our partnerships and ability to work together, across product lines and across borders, make this Association unique in the industry and drives value for our members.

I look forward to working with you in the coming year as we re-affirm our mission and strategic focus. Together, we can define and implement effective programs that will guide us to a successful and prosperous future for North American wood products.


Jim Baskerville

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