August 2024

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Using the Performance Path for Energy Code ComplianceUsing the Performance Path for Energy Code Compliance

10-11 a.m. PDT | August 28

Navigating today’s energy codes presents a unique challenge for builders and home energy raters. Achieving compliance while balancing cost and structural requirements can be difficult. This session will examine common construction practices in climate zones 3 through 5, highlighting wall assemblies and credits that facilitate compliance with ERI and the simulated performance path. Flexibility is crucial for achieving cost-effective whole-home energy performance. Participants will discover options that offset energy losses with high-efficiency measures, ensuring a code-compliant, energy-efficient home. AIA and ICC credits available to participants.



Simplifying IRC Wall Bracing Requirements Simplifying IRC Wall Bracing Requirements

Wall bracing is crucial for a home's structural integrity, yet for many building professionals, navigating the complex code requirements can be challenging. To help address this, APA developed a free, user-friendly online wall bracing calculator to assist builders, designers and code officials in streamlining the process of calculating and demonstrating International Residential Code (IRC) wall bracing compliance. This session walks participants through an in-depth demonstration of the calculator and guides project setup, design flexibility and wall bracing techniques. Participants will walk away with practical skills to streamline the design process and ensure code compliance on future projects. AIA and ICC credits available.



Technical Note: Minimizing Buckling of Wood Structural PanelsMinimizing Buckling of Wood Structural Panels

Buckling of wood structural panel sheathing such as plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) occasionally results when increased moisture conditions cause the wood to expand. This updated APA Technical Note explores the conditions that cause buckling and explains what builders and designers can do to help prevent it.