Designing Engineered Wood Diaphragm Systems Quiz

Once you have passed and submitted the quiz, you will receive your AIA or ICC Certificate of Completion.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this training, attendees will be able to identify and describe:

  • Understand the importance of the diaphragm in the overall load path of a wood building.
  • Identify the proper sheathing and nailing patterns for a wood diaphragm.
  • Discuss how design choices affect the overall diaphragm deflection.
  • Distinguish the benefits and drawbacks of using a subdiaphragm.


1. What is the primary role of the diaphragm in a building’s lateral load path?
2. A diaphragm chord is primarily responsible for ______.
3. What does SDPWS stand for?
4. How many wood structural panel diaphragm capacity tables are there in SDPWS?
5. If you specify a 32/16 span rating for your roof sheathing, and orient the sheathing parallel to supports, what is the maximum spacing between your supports?
6. “Cases” listed in the diaphragm capacity tables are separated by ______.
7. What is the primary purpose of a subdiaphragm?
8. Unlike the SDPWS deflection equation, the IBC deflection equation separates _____.
9. Multiple nailing patterns should be accounted for in which term of the deflection equation?
10. Which of the following contributes the most to your diaphragm deflection?