How to turn 20/20 hindsight into a clear plan for wind-resistant homebuilding

After the Storm: Building for High Wind Resistance, an APA – The Engineered Wood Association educational webinar, was attended by more than 500 industry professionals on March 30, 2018. The free recorded webinar, has been posted to the APA website at

The 60-minute presentation focuses on the structural failures observed during storm damage assessments and the behavior of wood structures during wind events. APA Engineered Wood Specialist Mary Uher begins with an overview of high-wind forces and continues with the importance of a complete load path and how good design and construction practices can improve the storm resistance of buildings. Mary also discusses code requirements and presents APA’s above-code recommendations for wind-resistant building.

“Builders can cost effectively build a safer home and reduce future storm damage by paying attention to connection details, understanding lateral load concepts, and recognizing common failure modes seen in storm damage assessments,” says Uher.

Mary Uher is part of a team of APA engineers who have conducted recent storm damage assessments and provided design recommendations for wind resistance.

The After the Storm: Building for High Wind Resistance webinar recording is available on the APA website at, along with a series of questions and answers developed from questions received during the live webinar. International Code Council (ICC) continuing education credits are available upon completion of the webinar.

April 16, 2018