Resilient Construction with Engineered Wood Quiz

Once you successfully complete and submit the quiz, you will have access to download your AIA or ICC Certificate of Completion.

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this training, attendees will be able to identify and describe:

  • Define and explain the importance and advantages of resilient construction methods promoting health and wellness in communities.
  • Outline APA’s resiliency focus and the resources available to enhance health and wellness of building occupants through resilient building practices in the built environment.
  • Discuss code requirements, standards and certification programs that ensure resiliency.
  • Identify design and construction techniques using engineered wood products that contribute to resilient and safe buildings.


1. A big part of why resiliency is so important to the built environment is because...
2. In the presentation, the definition of resiliency is designing and constructing buildings with the ability for buildings to withstand and recover from?
3. APA publishes ________________ to help professionals determine a product’s eligibility for points under recognized green building standards.
4. EnergyStar 3.2 gives you the flexibility of?
5. How much Federal tax credit can a builder receive for meeting EnergyStar 3.2?
6. What does FTAO stand for?
7. Best Practices for sustainability include all but ______?
8. California corners, two stud corners, and ladder framing are a technique that?
9. The Cathedral of Christ the light in Oakland, California was a good example of resiliency using...
10. Projectiles can cause a lot of damage. Which material would minimize damage and water infiltration?