Strategic Plan: Update and Progress Toward Four Goals
Three years ago, the APA Board of Trustees completed a review and update of the Association’s Strategic Plan and re-affirmed four strategic goals. In the 2016 program year, APA staff and members worked together to execute these goals:
Goal 4: Exercise fiscal responsibility and maintain organizational effectiveness.

APA finished 2016 strong with increased membership, projected Net Income of roughly $774,000 and Net Reserves of approximately $5 million or 3.7 months of operating costs. APA’s continued discipline and focus on improving operational excellence to deliver value to our members has resulted in a balanced budget and maintaining reserves. Planned, driven and strategic growth has strengthened our members and moved the industry forward.
In the past year, APA continued to provide a progressive, safe and efficient working environment. To create organizational effectiveness, APA focused on aligning resources to engage staff, maximize capabilities and create a work environment that promotes excellence. For the past two consecutive years in a row, the safety record for APA has been exemplary with no recordable incidents. We continue to provide staff training, opportunities for participation in healthy lifestyles, financial wellness education and community outreach activities that has resulted in high morale and sense of involvement by staff.
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