Industry Cooperative Programs and Outside Funding

APA works closely with its industry partners to ensure productive, coordinated efforts in the development of product standards, building code provisions related to heights and areas and energy performance, and market outreach initiatives. The Association also participates with industry groups that are addressing Life Cycle Assessment and issues and crisis management. Several targeted initiatives are being carried out through joint venture agreements with the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory.
Wood Products Council & Woodworks
APA serves as a technical director to WoodWorks, the industry’s promotion program aimed at increasing wood used in nonresidential buildings. In 2016, APA contributed $50,000 to WoodWorks and was a sponsor of the Wood Solutions Fairs.
Canadian Wood Council
APA participates in the Canadian Wood Council through two positions on the CWC board, two member delegates, and two positions on the Technical Strategies and Priorities Committee. APA works closely with the CWC on matters related to Canadian market access, codes, and standards.
American Wood Council
APA works with the American Wood Council to advocate the expansion of the heights and area code limitations for wood in mid-rise and tall buildings, as related to structural and fire provisions. APA and AWC worked cooperatively through the Coalition for Fair Energy Codes to eliminate the mandate for foam sheathing in the 2012 and 2015 International Energy Conservation Code provisions.
Life Cycle Assessment Work Group
APA has a shared role with the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Lab, to coordinate the ongoing work of the Life Cycle Assessment Workgroup and CORRIM researchers to complete data analysis and reports related to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The reports are used in the development and update of Environmental Products Declarations.
Issues Crisis Management Team
APA participates with the American Wood Council, Canadian Wood Council, Softwood Lumber Board, and WoodWorks on an Issues & Crisis Management Team. Supported by funding from the Softwood Lumber Board and reThink Wood, the ICMT works to improve effectiveness of issues management, enabling the industry to respond quickly in the event of a crisis or major event, such as a fire. The team is also monitoring the “Build with Strength” campaign launched this year by the National Concrete Ready Mix Association (NCRMA).
Canada Wood Group
As a strategic partner in the Canada Wood Group, APA addresses Japanese, Korean and Chinese economic and political decisions and policies that impact wood usage in their respective markets, and tracks phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade issues that are jointly addressed by the Canadian Ministries and industry in Europe, Australia, and Asia.
Composite Panel Association
APA works with the staff of the Composite Panel Association (CPA) to address environmental standards related to VOCs and formaldehyde in the U.S. and Canada.
National Association of Manufacturers
In 2016, APA partnered with the Manufacturing Institute of the National Association of Manufacturers, the Composite Panel Association, and the Hardwood Plywood Veneer Association to conduct a survey and complete a needs assessment to determine recommended activities to raise the profile of wood products careers in the industry. Suggested activities include a webinar series and a “Manufacturing Day” toolkit. The Institute will develop a toolkit for the participating associations and their members to use to reach youth, parents, teachers, and other key career influencers.
U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
Several targeted research and promotion initiatives are supported through funding from the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. These programs include:
Technology Transfer through Website Redevelopment and Help Desk
$96,000 Over three years
Goals: To redevelop the APA family of websites on a new Content Management System, improving search and navigation functionality and expanding capabilities for technology transfer through educational offerings and technical information; and to upgrade the data base for the APA Product Support Help Desk, enhancing the ability of the Help Desk to deliver product and design information and recommendations to more than 600 callers and customers each month.
Evaluation of Hygrothermal Performance of Energy Efficient Walls constructed with Wood Structural Panels and Continuous Foam Plastic Insulation
$45,000 Over three years
Goal: To study the hygrothermal performance of energy-efficient wall assemblies that use foam over wood structural panel sheathing.
Volatile Organic Compounds from Engineered Wood Products
$14,000 Over one year
Goal: To determine the type and amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted from common engineered wood products and collect data that will help producers and specifiers of structural wood products assess potential impacts on indoor air quality.
Strategic Partners: Hexion and Engineered Wood Technology Association
Wood Product Usage in Residential Repair and Remodeling in the U.S., 2014
$40,000 Over one year
Goal: To better understand how the use of wood products may have changed in residential repair and remodeling since 2006, the last time such a detailed study was conducted.
Strategic Partners: FP Innovations and Home Innovation Research Labs
Fire Education Task Group
$100,000 over three years
Goal: Develop and implement an educational outreach program to gain acceptance by firefighters, home builders and code officials for building code-compliant fire-protective assemblies constructed with wood I-joists and wood structural panels in residential construction.
Fire-Retardant Treated Glulam and LVL
$25,000 over three years
Goal: Develop consensus standards through ASTM for the evaluation of the treatment and hygrothermal effect on FRT glulam and LVL for use by treaters to provide standard adjustment factors for strength and stiffness properties.
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