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Coalition for Fair Energy Codes

CFEC LogoThe Coalition for Fair Energy Codes (CFEC) is comprised of companies and associations seeking fair, science-based, and impartial treatment for all performance-qualified building products, including wood products, in national model energy codes and standards. CFEC works to influence development of future energy codes to ensure that structural wood products and systems have access to markets relative to model energy code requirements. The staff of APA and the American Wood Council (AWC) support CFEC through regulatory representation. CFEC also advocates for state energy code adoptions to ensure that flexibility exists to meet the energy code without disadvantaging performance-qualified building materials, such as wood products.

CFEC has successfully eliminated the mandate for foam sheathing in every code climate state that has adopted the 2012 or 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), with the exception of New York.

CFEC has also monitored and successfully influenced 2012 or 2015 code adoptions in states classified as Climate Zone 3, with the exception of the state of Nevada. Climate Zone 3 is a band that extends from southern Nevada through north Texas to North Carolina.

In 2016, CFEC was active in the states of New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Utah, Alabama, and Nevada.



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